Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Andres Bass

I want to be a Chuck Bass
I don't want to care about the rest
I want to feel nothing
I want to be empty like a glass

why care so much?
Why try so hard?
Why give them a thought?
In the end I'm always mad

Giving what you received
It's completely a fair game
But it doesn't feel like that
because they have nothing to say

Little did I know
A lot I did see
that above all
the real problem is within me

I wish stone was my flesh
so it will never be a she
but I know you can guess
indeed, my heart can feel

So I will stop complaining
Yet my thoughts I’ll keep drawing
Hoping someday...
My head will stop drowning

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hola mono que mas man es Larry...
Viejo no es por joderte, pero que imbecil tu blog pana...
Demasiado idiota todo lo de Chuck Bass y tal...
Marico que pedazo de mierda tienes en el cerebro man???
Un abrazo bro, saludos...